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Work Session & Town Board Meeting

March 19 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm



  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
  • Fire Safety Notification: “Fire exits are located at the rear of the board room and at the doorway to the left. If notified, please move in a calm and orderly fashion to the nearest exits”.
  • If anyone appearing before the Town Board has a family, financial or business relationship with any member of the Board, it is incumbent upon that person to make it known under State Law and the Town Code of Ethics.
  • Anyone attending a Town Board meeting or work session should review Chapter 85 of the town code for rules of decorum regarding Public Meetings.


II         MINUTES       Regular Town Board: March 5, 2025




  1. Public Hearing regarding Establishment & Creation for proposed Water District #17-4.


IV        PUBLIC COMMENT ON OLD BUSINESS *4 minute time limit per resident*




  1. Town Board to update the resolution regarding accepting minutes for the Steering Committee for the Stadium Re-Zoning Project.


VI        PUBLIC COMMENT ON NEW BUSINESS *4 minute time limit per resident*




  1. Town Board to approve the Lyme WNY 5K.


2. Town Board to approve Bullriders BBQ & Mac Food Truck.


3. Town Board to approve the 2025 part-time Seasonal appointments to the Recreation staff.


4. Town Board to approve the appointment of Sandy Vecio to the Senior Center.


5. Town Board to approve the appointment of Shannon Liggett to the Senior Center.


  1. Town Board to approve appointments to fill the open Recreation Commission vacancies.


  1. Town Board to authorize the Supervisor to sign an agreement with LaBella Associates D. P.C. for professional services for Orchard Park Comprehensive Plan Update Project.


  1. Town Board to award a contract for minor tree removals for the Dennis Road Bridge Replacement Project.


  1. Town Board to authorize the Supervisor to sign an agreement with Aqua Tech Environmental Inc. for professional services for treatment and stocking of various Town of Orchard Park owned ponds and lakes for 2025.


  1. Town Board to award the contract to Cavlee Development for the Multi-Use Maintenance Salt & Topsoil Building Project (General Construction Contract).


  1. Town Board to award the contract to CRI Electrical for the Multi-Use Maintenance Salt & Topsoil Building Project (Electrical Construction Contract).


  1. Town Board to award contract to Hybrid Building Solutions for the Multi-Use Maintenance Salt & Topsoil Building Project (Steel/Canopy Cover Contract).


13. Town Board to approve a building permit and Site Plan for 10 Cobham Drive.


14. Town Board to approve a building permit and Site Plan for 50 Cobham Drive.


  1. Town Board to approve a building permit and Site Plan for V/L located on the west side of Burton Road at Powers Road, (Cornell Cooperative), Zoned R-2 and A-1.


16. Town Board to set a Public Hearing regarding the rezoning of Lexington Heights (Birdsong Parts 4 & 5), located west of Transit Road and North of Jewett Holmwood, Zoned R-1 (SBL# 173.04-2-25.1) for April 16, 2025.


VIII     BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR *4 minute time limit per resident*




Supervisor Eugene Majchrzak

Councilmember Joseph Liberti

Councilmember Scott Honer

Councilmember Julia Mombrea

Councilmember John Mariano

Town Clerk Remy Orffeo

Town Attorney Tim Gallagher

Building Inspector Tom Minor

Chief of Police Patrick Fitzgerald

Highway Superintendent Andrew Slotman

Town Engineer Wayne Bieler

Department Heads

County & State Representatives


X         APPROVAL OF BILLS         Warrant #5




  • Orchard Park’s February 2025 Building Inspector’s Report.




Supporting Documents (CLICK HERE)
Work Session Agenda (CLICK HERE)
Live Stream (CLICK HERE)


March 19
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Categories: