Remy Orffeo
- Title: Co-Chairman
Fred Piasecki Jr
- Title: Co-Chairman
Fran Hogenkamp
- Title: Member
Marion Fields
- Title: Member
Bernadette Clabeaux
- Title: Member
David Ward
- Title: Member
Andy Schichtel
- Title: Member
Karen Schichtel
- Title: Member
Description & Duties
This volunteer group appointed by the Town Board in 1998, operating as a subcommittee of the Conservation Board, consists of members of that Board, a member of the Town Board, the municipal arborist, and the Highway Superintendent. It developed and proposed the adopted Right of Way Tree Ordinance which regulates natural materials on town owned land and along town roadways. It also established the mechanism and criteria for the Town Tree inventory completed in 2003, which records the numbers, varieties, conditions, ages and locations of trees on municipal land and along town roads. As a result of the Tree Conservancy recommendations, the Town has an established annual tree planting program, installing new trees and replacing dead ones. The Tree Conservancy meets once a month or on an as need basis.