
Trails Task Force

Trails Task Force


Audrey Ramage

Dan Barone

Holly Becher

Jennifer Brady

Jason Januszkiewicz

Allie Loesch

Kevin Leffler

Nick Vega

Description & Duties



The Trails Task Force, an adhoc advisory committee established in 2001, by the Orchard Park Town Board and reporting to it directly, is designated to recommend guidelines for the implementation of trails, jogging paths’, walkways and other means of paths for walkability in the Town of Orchard Park. Location, connectivity, public opinion, and financing are part of its research. When deemed appropriate the Task Force makes recommendations to the Recreation Commission for its consideration.


Next Meeting: The Trails Task Force meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month in the first floor conference room of the Municipal Center (4295 S. Buffalo St. Orchard Park) at 6:30PM


For comments, concerns, questions, or suggestions, email:


Erie County Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry
Everthing OP
Orchard Park Recreation
WNY Southtowns Scenic Byways


When do we meet?
The Trails Task Force usually meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the first floor conference room of the Municipal Center 4295 South Buffalo St. Orchard Park NY. During clear weather, the Trails Task Force may visit and walk several trails to determine conditions and possible improvements.

How can you participate/contribute/volunteer, etc?
Join us during meetings or walks to find out the latest happenings, enjoy the trails and learn of ways you can help.