Dan Lagoda
- Title: Chairman/Police Captain
Dan Neaverth, Jr.
Ryan Crawford
Dwight Mateer
Elizabeth Landwehr
Matt Hartung
Paul Gorczyca
Charles Messina
Gene Majchrzak
- Title: Councilman
Description & Duties
Public Safety Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm
This volunteer committee is appointed annually by the Town Board to review issues of public safety. Requests regarding the placement of stop signs, no parking restrictions, speed limits, traffic signals, intersections, traffic issues and other areas where public safety is a concern are referred to the Public Safety Committee for review and recommendations to the Town Board. Members of the committee usually include volunteer firemen, residents and those with vehicle and traffic law knowledge. The Public Safety Committee works closely with law enforcement, fire departments, and other relevant agencies. The Orchard Park Police Captain acts in an advisory role and as liaison to the Town.
Questions can be submitted to following: