Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
Numerous features of the natural landscape trap runoff and allow rainwater to filter into the ground. Wetlands and ponds can retain significant volumes of water; forests and grasslands absorb water freely. These natural features remove pollutants and slow the rate of surface runoff. Land development often eliminates features that moderate stormwater runoff, may expose soil to erosion, and may exacerbate other negative impacts.
Watersheds and Receiving Waterbodies:
MS4 Watersheds:
The Smokes Creek Sub-watershed (SC) is sub-basin located in the southern portion of the Niagara River Watershed. Smokes Creek originates in Orchard Park and flows northwest for 15 miles to its mouth on Lake Erie. The creek has one principal tributary, South Branch, which is 12 miles long.
Neuman Creek watershed originates in Orchard Park and flows southwest into Eighteen Mile Creek in Hamburg.
Illicit Discharge of Detection and Elimiation
Post Construction Stormwater Mangement
Program Reporting and Effectiveness